24 Jan 2024

Under a new leave arrangement introduced in December, Arrow is offering its regional staff up to five days of paid leave per year to employees who volunteer with local fire and emergency services.

Arrow Energy's new CEO, Zhengxin Peng, said that the leave entitlement was a way to support the local community while easing the pressure on Arrow staff who volunteer with emergency services.

“Last year, the Surat Basin community faced some devastating bushfires,” Zhengxin said.

“Tragically many homes, properties, environments and livelihoods were lost. But the toll would have been far greater if not for the efforts of volunteers in the Rural Fire Service (RFS) and the State Emergency Service (SES).

“I’m humbled to say several of those volunteers were Arrow team members. They worked tirelessly to support the fire-fighting efforts to protect the properties and lives of others.

“As a major employer in the region, we have a responsibility to give back to the local community. Our new leave arrangement will allow these brave individuals to take up to five paid days per year to help respond to bushfires and other emergencies in the region.

“We hope this takes some of the pressure off these staff and encourages other members of our regional workforce to volunteer their time and stand on the frontline protecting local lives and homes.”

Arrow Energy's Sandy Davidson welcomed the new arrangements and said it would help her and other Arrow staff continue to protect the community.

“I've lived in Dalby my whole life, and working with QFES is one of the best ways I can give back to the community,” Sandy said.

“Arrow is really good at supporting the work we do with QFES and RFS; they allow us to leave during work time to help out with an emergency if we can.

“The new leave arrangement is a really good way for Arrow to give back to the community but also to get some of our employees into supporting our region.”

Arrow's Tony Chard, who volunteers for both QFES and RFS, was recognised by the Queensland Government last year for his role in fighting the Tara bushfires, where he was identified with saving three lives and 27 homes.

He encouraged others to consider volunteering with their local fire and emergency services.

“I tell everyone to have a go – you'll learn new skills and meet new friends and people from across the service,” Tony said.

“It's one of the best things you can do, not only for yourself but to help protect your community because, at the end of the day, it's all about looking after each other.”

Arrow, together with several other local businesses, was recognised by the Queensland Government for its contribution to fighting last year's bushfires at an official thank-you ceremony in Dalby on Monday 15 January.

At the event, Arrow was presented with a certificate of appreciation by the Minister for Fire and Disaster Recovery and Minister for Corrective Services, Nikki Boyd, and QFES Acting Commissioner, Steve Smith.

QFES Volunteers

QFES Volunteer Thank You Event ]

QFES Volunteers Thank you Event

Arrow Energy Pty Ltd
Arrow Energy is an integrated coal seam gas (CSG) company. Arrow explores and develops gas fields, produces and sells CSG and generates electricity. Arrow has been safely and sustainably developing CSG since 2000 and supplying it commercially since 2004. The company is working to meet demand for cleaner burning fuels through gas supply. Arrow is owned by Shell and PetroChina (50/50).

Media contact:
Phone: +61 400 693 248
Email: media@arrowenergy.com.au

Arrow Energy Pty Ltd
Arrow Energy is an integrated coal seam gas (CSG) company. Arrow explores and develops gas fields, produces and sells CSG and generates electricity. Arrow has been safely and sustainably developing CSG since 2000 and supplying it commercially since 2004. The company is working to meet demand for cleaner burning fuels through gas supply. Arrow is owned by Shell and PetroChina (50/50).