Kunjar’s visit’ - Original artwork by © Tricia Leslie Barber

It is Arrow Energy’s ambition to cultivate long-term relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, based on trust and respect.

We want to be an industry leader in making Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander equality a reality.

We have land use agreements with Traditional Owners over specific areas, proudly support Indigenous education and training, and our operations are underpinned by our respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, their histories and unique connection to land.

Supporting Indigenous education and training

We believe in sharing the benefits of our activities, including through education, employment, and business opportunities.

In partnership with the University of Queensland, James Cook University, and Central Queensland University, Arrow funds various Indigenous scholarships which are available through UQJCU and CQU.

To support Indigenous owners grow their businesses, Arrow partners with Central Queensland University to deliver the Whanu Binal Indigenous Entrepreneur program. For more information and to register your interest here.

Cultural heritage

We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the land where we work and operate, and acknowledge their deep connection to the land.

Arrow works in partnership with Traditional Owners on the management of cultural heritage.

We have 26 Indigenous Agreements with Native Title parties, covering our existing and proposed project activities.

Through our strong practices and processes, we identify, avoid, and protect sites of cultural heritage and significance.

Indigenous Tertiary Scholarships

We are passionate about helping Indigenous students go further in their education and careers with our Go Further Indigenous Tertiary Scholarships.

Go Further Indigenous Tertiary Scholarships