There are a range of ways that community members can engage with Arrow to ask questions or get more information about our operations and community investment.

Dalby residents and visitors are welcome to drop in to our Community Information Centre on Cunningham Street in Dalby between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Thursday.

Our Community Team can also be reached via phone on 1800 038 856 or email at

Community calendar

We are proud supporters of a range of events and activities that promote vibrant communities within our footprint.

If you see us when you’re out and about, come and say hello!

 11 - 12 April Dalby & District Show
 26  AprilDalby Picnic Races
 3 - 4 MayOly in the Outback, Miles 
 8 MayTSBE Chef's Table
 10 May Dalby Rugby Union's Wheatman Ladies Day
 20 May Miles & District Show
 23 - 24 MayChinchilla Show
 24 MayDalby Rugby Union's Jelly Baby Day
 3 - 5  JuneFarm Fest
 13 - 15 JuneWandoan Clay Association Annual Competition
 19 July Dalby Diehards Ladies Long Lunch
 22 - 23 AugustDalby Delicious and DeLIGHTful Festival
 6 SeptemberChinchilla One Long Table
 11 - 14 SeptemberMiles Back to the Bush Festival